National College Of French Cardiologists 2017

Frédéric Mouquet


 1/ – You have organised your conference at Lille Grand Palais in October 2017: For which reasons was Lille chosen? What are the main criteria that motivated the decision of your scholarly society or association?

The CNCF National Conference was held at Lille Grand Palais from 19 to 21 October 2017. The city of Lille was chosen because of its easy access (TGV, airport…) for all delegates, for the location of the conference centre near the city centre and the transport, and for its hotel capacity for the reception of the participants. The dynamism of the region’s cardiological medical community has also influenced the city’s choice for the organisation of the conference.

How did you come to bring this conference to Lille?

The medical community of Lille is very dynamic, like the CHU often leading the national rankings. In particular, community cardiologists are involved in the main learned societies (CNCF, French Society of Cardiology, European Society of Cardiology) and regularly conduct continuing professional development meetings. It therefore seemed natural to propose the city of Lille as a host site for the 2017 edition of the CNCF conference.

What was the main theme of your conference in 2017?

What were the important topics that were discussed or that you wanted to highlight? Tell us about your CNCF conference:
The main themes of the 2017 edition of the CNCF were vascular diseases and cardiac failure.
The conference, however, covers all aspects of cardiology and is the leading continuing professional development conference for community cardiologists. The sessions and topics were discussed by both community and hospital cardiologists, allowing to compare points of view and enrich the practices of each one.

2/- Are you satisfied with the support from the Lille Grand Palais teams and the services offered throughout the preparation of the file? What did you particularly like/ or not like?

We are very satisfied with the support from the Lille Grand Palais teams with our agency, the regularity and the preparation of the exchanges have always been done in a good atmosphere! A listen with an adjustment to our requests, the personalisation of the conference and a relationship of confidence is established over the months.